Friday, August 27, 2010

Hair Challenge Fall 2010

So, as some of you know I am natural. I have decided to challenge myself and my hair this fall. Starting in September, I will be doing more protective styling, one more trim for the year, and more treatments.

The only drastic thing I want this fall is COLOR :0) - Oranges/Reds/Browns! mmm.

I will try to keep this updated with progress, but we shall see.

Pray for me.

Friday, July 30, 2010

and again.

Inspiration goes to Renee Cox. Great photographer. This "Damn, we hungry." mixed media piece was so fun. I need a creative outlet this week, and I may just make another one. We shall see! rawr!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Monday, July 12, 2010

If you could only read one magazine for the rest of your life, which would it be?

Advanced Photoshop

Ask me anything you want!

Would you rather swim in a pool or the ocean?

Pool son.

Ask me anything you want!

Who's the sexiest man alive?


Ask me anything you want!

What's the best gift you've ever given?

Macbook Pro

Ask me anything you want!

What video game have you played the most?

RE5 - PS3

Ask me anything you want!

Star Trek or Star Wars?

Depends. :0) Star Wars -

Ask me anything you want!

Who's the most famous person you've met?

LMAO. The Hardy Boys from WWF and Marion Jones.

Ask me anything you want!

What's the best place near you to get some ice cream?

Coldstone son.

Ask me anything you want!

What are you most excited about right now?

Going to get my MGD {Prepping my design portfolio as we speak}

Ask me anything you want!

Who was the best boss you've ever had?

Denielle Lincoln

Ask me anything you want!

Who would win in a fight: pirates or ninjas?

Ninjas. The ninja stars son...

Ask me anything you want!

If you could instantly become an expert at one style of dance, what style would you pick?

P O L E! rawr!

Ask me anything you want!

Would you rather work at a large company or a small one?

A medium-sized one that pays me on TIME dammit!

Ask me anything you want!

Have you broken any bones? If so, how?

Not yet. eh - scares me just thinking about it!

Ask me anything you want!

If you could have been the author of any book, what would it have been?

Harry Freggin Potter - The whole series! GENIUS!

Ask me anything you want!

What's the longest you've ever gone without a bath or shower?

A day and a half. lol

Ask me anything you want!

If you had the opportunity to live one year of your life over again, which year would you choose?

My freshmen year of college!

Ask me anything you want!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Loc'ed Up -

So, I am at that point in my life where I am deciding to loc my hair or not.
Well there is no NOT, I am going to do it - :))

What needs to be determined is -

When and How!

I want my locs to be started during a big and positive event.
I am thinking when I either get pregnant with my first child :0)
When I purchase my first home :0) or When I go back to school to get my MGD :0)!

I have been doing some research, and SLs (Sisterlocks) are really keep my attention.
I guess it works out that I wait for an event because the cost of installation is NOT A GAME. I will keep you all updated as to the course of my journey, but it will be starting soon!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


So, taking my lead from Word It.
I have found a small dose of recreational drugs, as I call it.

Since Word Its have stopped giving words, and it is The End for them.
I am starting my own little Word? Series. I take words from those close to me, and maybe a few from some familiar strangers - and I use photography, illustration, or any other sort of design to communicate that particular word.

My first Word? is Fallen

Recreational Drug?

Simply put, I need an art form outside of design for work.

It is to a point where I only design for work, and I feel like the outside design world is passing me by. I mean, yes, I can do tutorials for this and that, but I mean something with some substance. A logo for a cool company, not a pharma-giant. A website or collateral for something sexy, not an agri-giant.

I need a Recreational Drug! I recently started taking up Pole Dance for Fitness, and I absolutely ADORE IT. I would dare/suggest anyone to do it because it is so far from the idea that people get in their head when they see or hear Pole Dance. By the time the instructors get through with you, you are too sweaty and too soar to think about a strip club. The wonderful part is most of the women who are taking this up are Graphic Designers like me, Ph. Ds, People in Marketing, Cops! I am currently at Aradia Fitness in Cary, NC and I adore it! There is a whole community out there. Try it!

I am sitting at work, trying to think of something other than designing for work, and its not going well. I think I will do a word-it type of deal. Give myself and word every week or two weeks and design something quick for it.


This week's word - Fallen.

Monday, May 17, 2010

MySELF - Portraits

So, with inspiration from a fellow designer - Annie Ha.
I have decided to do a portrait project of myself.

I am kind of scared about the idea because I hate pictures of myself.
I would rather take pictures of others any day. Portraits are so damn personal, that and, you get to look at yourself, something I do not do often.

I can remember what other people look like down to the way their brows are arched, but if I had the artistic ability to actually do portraits, and someone told me to draw myself, It would be a circle, with two circles inside of it for eyes, and so on and so forth. It would be really Pre-Kish.

I learned about it in Psych., being able to remember details of others faces, and never your own.

Anyway, I started some time back, it is turning out to be really fun.

I will keep updating -

Til later -

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

I've got a garden HEY HEY HEY HEY!

My mom is one of the coolest mom's on the planet. She has this way with plants and flowers, and has inspired me to plant my own little Garden of Eden {on my balcony}.
My favorite flowers are lillies, but I have sunflowers, morning glory, and two other random ones I nicknamed Beautiful Buds. _shrugs

Paradise in the city son -

My morning glory have not sprouted yet. But I will keep updating.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Dookie-Chains - Only in the 80's & 90's?

Def. Not!

So, one day I was doing a google search for chain links (work related).
I came across this masterpiece by Yokoo. Girl is talented! After looking
at it a while, I figured, hey, you should make that!

My self said, "Yes, we should." And we began. The chain I am completing now
is more for springish/summer. Yokoo's is too big for me. I will have pictures after
an event on April 2nd. Hope you like it!

_drumroll son
